Preparation for Group Sessions

This page is for the organizers of group sessions.




Engaging participants

It is important to establish a connection between facilitator and participants ahead of the session. This creates a feeling of warmth and safety, encouraging attendees to share, ask questions and make the most of the session.

Best practices:
  • Send out the session webpage when you announce the event and include it in the calendar invite.
  • You can copy the facilitator in the reminder email, inviting participants to reach out with any questions 
  • Facilitator to invite the participants to connect on LinkedIn ahead of the day – participants always tell us they feel special when we do that!

Logistics & tech


In-person sessions:
  • Print the workbooks for the group, or ask people to print themselves
  • Bring some extra pens
  • Set up chairs in a semicircle, theatre style, ideally without tables
  • Plan a coffee break immediately after the session to allow for people to ask questions not suitable for the larger group
  • Bring a laptop connected to the projector and a clicker; also strong internet connection
  • Arrange for visitor pass / parking
Online sessions:
  • Send the workbook to participants
  • Ensure the zoom details are in the calendar invite
  • Send a remidner email with the zoom details on the day of the session





A senior leader opens the session by briefly liking it to the organizational context:

  • if the organization is going through change or struggling, encourage participants to leverage the session to better navigate 
  • if the organization is doing well, invite participants to build resilience and strengthen their capacity to handle future challenges



Following up with participants

Send a follow up email to all invitees (including those who could not attend) with:

  • key takeaways from the session
  • next steps / call to action
  • contact details of facilitator, in case they want to connect on LinkedIn or have further questions