Private Clients

In order to deliver sustainable results, I partner with my clients on a mid to long-term basis.

The pricing of my services is principle-based:

  • Partnership: I partner with my clients to support them in a more holistic way than just delivering the core work, over the long term
  • Impact-creation: My work provides high value for my clients and my rates reflect that
  • Fairness: I offer the same rate and payment ters to all my clients starting at a specific time
  • Transparency: I publish my rates on my website


for new clients

This highly individualised journey provides leaders the confidentiality and space to address more personal and sensitive topics than would be possible in a group context. The holistic approach combines the co-active coaching model with neuroscience and mind-body connection.  The insights are profound and the transformation long-lasting.

  • up to 2 coaching sessions per month, running over 12 months
  • 45-60min per session
  • Practical exercises between sessions
  • Fully personalised
  • Delivered over Zoom

Investment in yourself:  4,200 USD + VAT for the first six months, then rolling monthly 700 USD + VAT per month.

Payment is made in advance (first 6 months in one go, then on a month-by-month basis)

*Please note that prices are subject to change