10 thought-provoking questions to ask yourself

10 thought-provoking questions to ask yourself

Desi Jagger's Blog

10 thought-provoking questions to ask yourself

Meaningful action comes from deep insights. Deep insights come from thought-provoking questions. Thought-provoking questions are simple, short and powerful. As your GetUnstuck coach, I use thought-provoking questions to make you aware of your assumptions, to bring clarity and to help you discover new perspectives.

Here are 10 of the best thought-provoking questions I am using these days:




Is your life one of your own choosing?




If you knew the answer, what would it be?




Who is speaking now?




What is true about that?




What colour glasses are you looking through right now?




Who are you becoming?




What are you tolerating?




What will you say ‘yes’ to?




What are you avoiding?




How alive does this make you feel?





Get Unstuck by asking yourself thought-provoking questions. Go deep and stay curious. Most importantly – don’t forget to listen to what comes up.


Not sure which questions to ask? Book yourself a free sample coaching session. I’ll ask the questions so you get to focus on the answers.




Photo by Jacob Bøtter 

My Story #23 – What do you see?

My Story #23 – What do you see?

Desi Jagger's Blog

My Story #23 – What do you see?

Kayaking is one of my favourite things in life. I used to kayak fast and hard. The bigger the waves, the harder I would paddle and the more I would feel fulfilled.

Today is the first time I kayaked in a year (due to The Alien) and I took a different approach. I slowed down. I watched the jellyfish squeeze their blubbery tentacles to propel themselves forward. I felt the hot metal paddle under my fingers. I heard the echo of the open sea. I still love battling high waves and working hard, but changing pace allowed me to see a new perspective.


What are you not seeing right now?


Get unstuck by slowing down. What do you notice that wasn’t visible before? I have learnt how to slow down the hard way and I would be happy to make it easier for you. Book your free sample coaching session now and find out how.